Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Moss the Sloth

My character for the Pantomime project in Traditional Animation II... Moss! I seriously love this dude. I'll share the pantomime after I clean it up! Stay tooned!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Early Concept Drawings

Here's some stuff from early this semester that I never uploaded- the assignment was to create storytelling images that use irony or heightened drama. I went for a wacky fun action shot and then something a little darker.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Frog Animatic

Ribbeat Rock Animatic from Jacky Pascal on Vimeo.

This project was fun but EXHAUSTING! So many technical issues with my laptop and premiere!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

DPSC quick sketch

A doodle from last night's DPSC- theme was something with classic movie monsters. I drew the creature from the black lagoon on a family vacation. Might spend a little more time on this... I love drawing sea monsters!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Little Cintiq Practice

An idea I had during a critique, more to come.

A random face, no one in particular.

Not too shabby for my first attempt at using a Cintiq. What an amazing art tool. I had a lot of fun with these quick doodles, each was done on one layer and under 30 minutes. Might want to go further with a few of these, I like how they turned out.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First Maya Project

First Ball Bounce from Jacky Pascal on Vimeo.

Finished, refined, and rendered. I really enjoyed this project. It was a thrill trying to decipher the ins and outs of Maya basics. Can't wait to learn more!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Maiden Flight

Just a finished, quick piece I did. Getting back in the hang of using Photoshop and break from my habitual techniques. I used photo reference for some of the elements (clearly) but it was more practice than anything else.
This lady's a female aviator in WWII, inspired by Earhart, part of the all-female bomber crew "Maiden Flight" (but more commonly known by a *different* name with the same abbreviations). Might make more of the crew later on.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sea Monster Sculpture

Here's a picture of my final sculpture from 3D design--a curious little sea monster (thinking of calling the species a water puppy)! I'm just happy that I got it finished--sculpture is not my forte. The tricky part was the gesture and pose itself. I had problems with balancing it out, making sure the weight worked, and then being able to detail such a complicated pose.
There was a lot of experimentation with this project, and I certainly learned from my mistakes and the techniques my peers used. I'm looking forward to working with Sculpey more in the future!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Some Sketches

During Glenn Vilppu's lecture on drawing faces and animals, I drew some faces and animals.

My roommate Sara!

An adorbsable Boxer dog

Monday, May 13, 2013

Birdie Fitzgerald: Bird Enthusiast

For the Figure II final, we designed a human counterpart for our animals. For a worrywart like Bobby, his owner would naturally be a crazy daredevil. Meet Birdie Fitzgerald, business tycoon, Sarasota retiree, motorcycle gang leader, and overall: bird enthusiast (it's on her business card). She's full of energy and enthusiasm for everything, and drags poor Bobby along with her (all he wants to do is be with his girlfriend). Sorry Bobby. At least Birdie can afford all your anxiety medication.

Here's some rough sketches of trying to figure out the character:

Friday, April 12, 2013

Monster in the Bedroom

This monster is called The Shadow Thing... it would be fun to animate, someday.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cardboard Rocket

A quick drawing for a DPSC meet. The prompt was "black and white astronaut." I didn't submit it, but I'm pretty happy that I got it finished in about 30 minutes.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Updates: I Swear I'm Not Dead

Howdy! So... we're halfway through the second semester of freshman year, and I figure I should update to inform all that yes, I am still alive. I've been busy with class, piles and piles of homework, and (cough) leagueoflegends. Priorities, priorities. Here's some of my (from a personal opinion, better) work from this semester.

A big focus is moving towards stories and narratives, and working with characters. For example, in figure drawing, we've been exaggerating models' poses and giving them stories, new clothes, expressions, props, etc.

Working with developing characters in Figure Drawing II:

A project in which we started out with a 15-minute pose, and then changed it to give it a story.
Check out the transition from the original pose (on the far left) to the final project.
Working with drawing different expressions.

We're actually developing characters in 3D Design and Traditional Animation for use in further projects. Check it out!

For 3D class I'm going to make a sculpture and environment for one of my favorite characters, Swampy.
Gus the Skunk!
For Traditional Animation, we were given a random animal to design and animate in a character jump. I ended up with Gus the skunk, an easily-frustrated loner who enjoys solitude, napping, competitive curling, and scaring away small annoying mammals. He's not afraid to speak his opinion, or gas those who don't agree with him. I'm looking forward to animating him :)

 Stay 'tuned- I've got much more coming up!